T-Soft® PSMO 20 is an oleic acid ester of sorbitol and its mono- and dianhydrides copolymerized with approximately 20 moles of ethylene oxide.

INCI Name: Sorbitol

Functions: Emulsifier

Technical Data Sheet

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Enhanced TDS

Identification & Functionality


Physical Form
Clear yellow liquid
Typical Properties
ValueUnitsTest Method / Conditions
Colormax. 5-Gardner
Flash Point278°C-
Pour Point-12.0°C-
pH (at 5% Aqueous)7--
HLB Value15.0--
Viscosity (at 25°C)400cPs-
Specific Gravity (at 25°C)1.09--
ValueUnitsTest Method / Conditions
Acid Valuemax. 2.0mg KOH/g-
Saponification Value45-55mg KOH/g-
Hydroxyl Value65 - 80mg KOH/g-
Moisture Contentmax. 3.0%-

Regulatory & Compliance

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