Dissolvine® GL Premium

1 of 33 products in this brand
Dissolvine® GL Premium is an industry-leading chelating agent containing glutamic acid, N,N-diacetic acid, tetrasodium salt (GLDA) with high activity (55%). It is specifically designed for liquid cleaning applications, including unit dose formats, where its superior chelating properties are utilized effectively.

Chemical Name: Tetrasodium Glutamate Diacetate

CAS Number: 51981-21-6

Labeling Claims: Biodegradable, NTA-free

Technical Data Sheet

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Enhanced TDS

Identification & Functionality

Features & Benefits

Applications & Uses

Applicable Processes
Home Care Applications
I&I Cleaning Applications
Product Applications
  • Boosting agent for disinfecting products (with low skin irritation). Improved detergency at high water hardness.
  • Hard surface cleaning performance is improved in combination with gluco(hepto)nates. Scale removal at high pH. Scale inhibitor in laundering and dishwashing applications.
  • Booster for stain removal in dish washing detergents better than citrates and phosphates.
  • Scum inhibitor in bathroom cleaners. Improved cleaning & foaming in shampoo applications.
  • Storage stabilization of bleaching agents (perborates/percarbonates) and unsaturated alkyl chain-based surfactants.
  • Transport cleaners: Oil and iron removal at slightly acidic, neutral or mild alkaline conditions. Replacement for NTA.


Physical Form
Clear liquid
Miscible in
Water, low pH, ethylene glycol, 5M NaOH (at 20°C)
ValueUnitsTest Method / Conditions
Crystallization Pointmax. -15°C-
Electro Conductivityapprox. 4.75mS/cm-
Surface TensionAqueous solution, no surface active components--
Viscosity (at 20°C)max. 250mPa·s-
ValueUnitsTest Method / Conditions
Molecular Weight351.1--
Assay (as GLDA-Na₄)54.6 - 55.4%-
Chloride Contentmax. 0.05mg/kg-
Colormax. 250-APHA
Densityapprox. 1500kg/m³-
NTA-Na₃ Contentmax. 0.1%-
pH (at 1% w/v Dilution)10.0 - 10,4--
Theoretical Properties
ValueUnitsTest Method / Conditions
Sequestering Values (Calcium ion, at pH 6 - 14)approx. 65mg metal/g-
Sequestering Values (Copper ion, at pH 2-12)approx. 100mg metal/g-
Sequestering Values (Ferric ion, at pH 2-8)approx. 80mg metal/g-
Sequestering Values (Magnesium ion, at pH 5-10)approx. 40mg metal/g-
Sequestering Values (Manganese ion, at pH 5-10)approx. 85mg metal/g-
Sequestering Values (Zinc ion, at pH 3-12)approx. 100mg metal/g-

Technical Details & Test Data

Density Data

Liquid density The density of the liquid can be used as a quick reference to check the concentration of the material. See Figure 1.

Figure 1: Density of Dissolvine® GL plotted against GLDA-Na4 concentration based on GL-38, GL-47-S and GL Premium.
Dissolvine® GL Premium - Density Data - 1


Viscosity Data

Viscosity is an important parameter for handling products and is dependent on concentration and temperature. Figure 2 shows the viscosity of various concentrations of GLDA-Na4 solutions as a function of temperature.

Figure 2: Graph of the viscosity of various concentrations of Dissolvine® GL at different temperatures compared to the viscosity of Dissolvine® GL Premium.
Dissolvine® GL Premium - Viscosity Data - 1

Packaging & Availability

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Storage & Handling

Storage & Retest Information

Store in original packing or in PVC, PP, PE, stainless steel or bituminized tanks. Avoid contact with aluminum, zinc, nickel, copper and copper alloys. It is advised to re-test the material after three years of storage.