Calsoft® LAS-99 is a minimum 97% active linear alkylbenzene sulfonic acid. Proprietary sulfonation technology preserves its high activity, detergency, foaming properties, and light color. This high-active acid is used for neutralization into high-purity sulfonates, which find applications in cleaning, stripping, wetting, and foaming.

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Enhanced TDS

Identification & Functionality

Features & Benefits

Labeling Claims
Base Chemicals Features
Industrial Additives Features
Product Benefits
  • Calsoft® LAS-99 is a high active surfactant that is pourable and pumpable at ambient working temperatures and offers formulators the flexibility to neutralize with their preferred suitable alkali to whatever active level they desire.
  • Calsoft® LAS-99 is CleanGredients® Listed, which means it has been pre-approved by the U.S. EPA to meet the criteria of their Safer Choice Standard. This certification may streamline the approval process for EPA’s Safer Choice program, getting a formulator’s Safer Choice labeled product to market faster.
  • Calsoft® LAS-99 is on the List of Trade Names of Inert Ingredients Database. Calsoft® LAS-99 is approved for use as an inert ingredient in pesticide formulations for pre- and post-harvest and animal application and is exempt from requirement of a tolerance under 180.910 and 180.930 without limitation.

Applications & Uses


Color (Properties)
Physical Form
Viscous brown liquid (at 25°C)
Typical Properties
ValueUnitsTest Method / Conditions
Active Content (ƒ 320)min. 97wt%-
Unsulfonated Materialmax. 1.5wt%-
Sulfuric Acidmax. 1.5wt%-
Water Contentmax. 0.75wt%-
Color (at 5% Active Solution, #42 filter, 40mm)max. 50-Klett
pH (at 4% Solution)max. 2--
Combining Weight288 - 315g/eq
Viscosity (at 25°C)max. 1500cPs-
Freeze Pointmax. -20ºC-

Regulatory & Compliance

Chemical Inventories
Product Application
  • Household, Industrial, and Institutional Cleaners: Neutralized Calsoft® LAS-99 is high foaming with excellent detergency and cleaning performance for both greasy and particulate soils. It is an efficient choice surfactant for laundry, manual dish wash, car wash, kitchen, bath, and all-purpose cleaner, heavy-duty cleaner/degreaser formulas.
  • Oil Treatment Intermediates: Calsoft® LAS-99’s high activity, low free oil, and low sulfuric acid makes it the linear sulfonic acid of choice as a starting intermediate for oil treatment compounds. Calsoft® LAS-99 reacts with alkyl amines to produce sulfonates soluble in oil and many non-aqueous solvents.
  • Metal-Treating Baths: Calsoft® LAS-99 is a strong organic acid surfactant that is compatible with mineral acids and organic acids used for metal cleaning and pickling acids. At 0.5% or less of total solution weight promotes rapid grease and oil film removal, superior surface wetting, and complete film-free, residue-free rinsability.

Packaging & Availability

Packaging Type
Supplied by
Packaging Information

Calsoft® LAS-99 is available in 450 lb. steel drums, 480 lb. poly drums, 2300 lb. poly totes, and bulk quantities.

Storage & Handling

Shelf Life
2 Years
Storage & Handling Information

Calsoft® LAS-99 is a corrosive strong acid. Store in 316 stainless steel or acid-resistant tanks. Do not store with strong oxidizing agents. Avoid contact with eyes, skin, and clothing. Wear appropriate personal protective equipment and observe good industrial hygiene practices. Spilled material is slippery and foams profusely when hit with a stream of water.